Monday, September 03, 2012

A Different Perspective

It shouldn't come as a surprise the differences of opinion people may hold can be based on life experience.  I encountered one instance last night during a family dinner.  There was much debate over the tip left for the waitress.  I insisted on a 10% tip, others in the group ranged from no tip to 6%.  I am the one with the highest level of education and the one with the lowest income (doesn't say much about continued education or my topic of study).  So that may be why I have greater sympathy/empathy for those working in a service industry.  I've lived through very lean periods in my life; my first round at university was one such instance.  I recall telling friends I couldn't go out for the evening because I was broke.....  It wasn't until a number of years later after some decided to return to school, they truly understood 'broke' actually did mean absolutely no money

I decided to return to university hoping the additional investment in my education would give my family greater opportunities, with that, I returned to the sometimes (most of the time) difficult task of juggling household expenses and a limited budget.  To add to the mix, I now had a family to try and support.  Limited budget, little support and no understanding from society is an exhausting combination.  Childcare becomes an all consuming juggling act with each day bringing its own difficulties.  I've witnessed and experienced the combination of limited availability, poor care, excessive fees and no flexibility which eventually leads to depression.  The choices we're forced to make can be heart wrenching.  I attended a roundtable discussion held by the Graduate Students' Association for students with families; I was sad to discover I was one of many in this position.

Back to the initial topic; because of my life experience, I look at the person behind the cash register, waitress/waiter or any other service personnel with gratitude.  I have no idea what their life circumstances may be, so if I can ease their burden a bit by giving $3.00 extra in their tip I will do it.  It is impertinent to assume they can just go out and find a 'better' job.  Childcare may be an issue.  Maybe they have been trying to find something 'better'.  Maybe they are new to our country and have English as a second language making it difficult to find something 'better'.  It is also disrespectful to assume service industry jobs are only temporary, a stepping stone to something else.  Granted a lot of positions are filled by students and as such are only temporary but does this mean we can treat them as servants entitled to no respect?  And there are those who find the work rewarding and fulfilling; the bottom line for me is, I don't want to be the one who disrespects them, their time and energy put into providing a service to me by leaving what I perceive is an insulting tip. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Things change when you're gone for awhile!

Like blogger and google...  Life is marching forward while I'm just trying to maintain a semi-standing position, I'm no longer even trying to keep up.  I feel like I'm standing on the outside looking in  -  trying desperately to figure out exactly how people manage to keep up.  Keep all these projects going at once and some sort of functional home-life - let's just say my success rate so far has been dismally low.  I should have an easier time of things once all the projects at home are completed, after this round I'm done!  Kitchen, spare room, bathroom and my room are almost done.  This won't even look like the same house and I think that's exactly the look and feel I've been searching for.  The last big project will be the exterior walls in Anika's room; removing the drywall, replacing the insulation and vapour barrier and finally new drywall (and of course painting).  The list of things I would like to do is endless however the stress is just too much so this is where I stop. There also comes a time when you have to start considering a move; is it really worth it to continue on with renovations and improvements in this particular house or whether the cash input would be better spent on a newer one.  Something I will contemplate a bit more later on.  I need to find some peace of mind and start from there.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Halloween time

Halloween has returned and with that the need to sew or put together a new costume.  This year there was a fair bit of discussion over the lack of appropriate 'Store Bought' costumes and the ever increasing 'skankiness' factor of costumes for girls and women.  This trend has been going on for quite some time, I first noticed it while shopping for new school clothes when my daughter was 7 years old.  I couldn't believe the crap the stores where trying to sell!  There are very cute costumes available up until you hit the 10 year old age bracket, then things take a decidedly ugly turn.  Fortunately I can sew - good and bad news for me on that front as she knows she can push the limits because "Mommy can figure out how to make it for her".  Wouldn't be quite so bad if my darling daughter could decide what she wants - and then stick to that decision!!! ;)  It's like getting dressed in the morning, she has to change her outfit at least once; so too it is with the costume.  We bought the fabric, patterns and finally the assorted accoutrements deemed necessary.  ...she has my taste in fabric...expensive!  Only to run across a better idea a week and a half later.  I know, I make it far more difficult than it needs to be, I could simply have said no.  ...but I didn't, it's done now and we're both very pleased with the results.

Work has been going well, it's been a real adjustment for everyone.  The regular routine has certainly increased my productivity - with less time available for chores and the every-expanding 'to-do' list there are fewer opportunities to relax first and get it done later which meant it might not get done for a few days or weeks (depending on the ugency)!  I'm enjoying the free and relaxed mind that comes with so many completed tasks, so much less to drag around with me each day.  Now it is time to relax and get some much needed sleep... :)))))

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Continuing saga of dust and chaos

I believe I have finished the last of the sanding in the kitchen!  Hard to believe as I had made the decision to finish it next spring.  I have been working on the cupboard doors but when I looked at the cabinet well, as you can probably guess I couldn't leave it half done.  We're back to rinsing and washing everything before we use it - at least for this evening - I'll pull everything out of the cupboards and wash it all tomorrow.  This is one of the few times I wish for a dishwasher!!!

Tonight I'll be sewing and painting.  It's Halloween costume-sewing time again.  I would prefer to purchase one but the costumes they have now for females over 12 years of age are disgusting!  They belong in a bar somewhere - and some of them are even too 'sparse' in fabric for that scene.  Why in the world are they trying to sexualize kids????  I'm beginning to question the corporate view of females, does EVERYTHING have to be about sex??  ...I know, apparently yes.  We try to raise our children to be intelligent, responsible, caring adults which is getting lost somewhere.  And the biggest question of all I suppose is 'What are the parents thinking when they purchase this crap for their kid????'.  Not everyone can sew, but really, there are other options.  That's my rant for this evening.  Getting back to work now... :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Beautiful orchids

The Muttart Conservatory has a beautiful feature display of orchids running until October 23rd.  We thought it would be a great opportunity for some much needed 'Mommy-Daugther' time.  It was great to spend a number of hours walking around the pyramids and taking pictures.  We also took some time to stop for lunch at the new restaurant - or at least new to me.  I haven't taken the opportunity to visit since they've completed the renovations, I am delighted with the changes.  The lunch menu seemed a bit odd but it was absolutely delicious!!  Anika chose the beef with smoked cheddar sauce on a Portuguese bun (with curried zucchini soup) while I had the salmon pate and egg salad on sweet potato bread (with a salad).  The restaurant focuses on purchasing organic, locally grown or processed supplies.  I'd like to know where they purchased the smoked salmon as I haven't had any that tasted that good since I was in Norway!

Wonderful way to spend a warm and sunny holiday!