Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Continuing saga of dust and chaos

I believe I have finished the last of the sanding in the kitchen!  Hard to believe as I had made the decision to finish it next spring.  I have been working on the cupboard doors but when I looked at the cabinet well, as you can probably guess I couldn't leave it half done.  We're back to rinsing and washing everything before we use it - at least for this evening - I'll pull everything out of the cupboards and wash it all tomorrow.  This is one of the few times I wish for a dishwasher!!!

Tonight I'll be sewing and painting.  It's Halloween costume-sewing time again.  I would prefer to purchase one but the costumes they have now for females over 12 years of age are disgusting!  They belong in a bar somewhere - and some of them are even too 'sparse' in fabric for that scene.  Why in the world are they trying to sexualize kids????  I'm beginning to question the corporate view of females, does EVERYTHING have to be about sex??  ...I know, apparently yes.  We try to raise our children to be intelligent, responsible, caring adults which is getting lost somewhere.  And the biggest question of all I suppose is 'What are the parents thinking when they purchase this crap for their kid????'.  Not everyone can sew, but really, there are other options.  That's my rant for this evening.  Getting back to work now... :)

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