Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Halloween time

Halloween has returned and with that the need to sew or put together a new costume.  This year there was a fair bit of discussion over the lack of appropriate 'Store Bought' costumes and the ever increasing 'skankiness' factor of costumes for girls and women.  This trend has been going on for quite some time, I first noticed it while shopping for new school clothes when my daughter was 7 years old.  I couldn't believe the crap the stores where trying to sell!  There are very cute costumes available up until you hit the 10 year old age bracket, then things take a decidedly ugly turn.  Fortunately I can sew - good and bad news for me on that front as she knows she can push the limits because "Mommy can figure out how to make it for her".  Wouldn't be quite so bad if my darling daughter could decide what she wants - and then stick to that decision!!! ;)  It's like getting dressed in the morning, she has to change her outfit at least once; so too it is with the costume.  We bought the fabric, patterns and finally the assorted accoutrements deemed necessary.  ...she has my taste in fabric...expensive!  Only to run across a better idea a week and a half later.  I know, I make it far more difficult than it needs to be, I could simply have said no.  ...but I didn't, it's done now and we're both very pleased with the results.

Work has been going well, it's been a real adjustment for everyone.  The regular routine has certainly increased my productivity - with less time available for chores and the every-expanding 'to-do' list there are fewer opportunities to relax first and get it done later which meant it might not get done for a few days or weeks (depending on the ugency)!  I'm enjoying the free and relaxed mind that comes with so many completed tasks, so much less to drag around with me each day.  Now it is time to relax and get some much needed sleep... :)))))

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