Sunday, February 12, 2012

Things change when you're gone for awhile!

Like blogger and google...  Life is marching forward while I'm just trying to maintain a semi-standing position, I'm no longer even trying to keep up.  I feel like I'm standing on the outside looking in  -  trying desperately to figure out exactly how people manage to keep up.  Keep all these projects going at once and some sort of functional home-life - let's just say my success rate so far has been dismally low.  I should have an easier time of things once all the projects at home are completed, after this round I'm done!  Kitchen, spare room, bathroom and my room are almost done.  This won't even look like the same house and I think that's exactly the look and feel I've been searching for.  The last big project will be the exterior walls in Anika's room; removing the drywall, replacing the insulation and vapour barrier and finally new drywall (and of course painting).  The list of things I would like to do is endless however the stress is just too much so this is where I stop. There also comes a time when you have to start considering a move; is it really worth it to continue on with renovations and improvements in this particular house or whether the cash input would be better spent on a newer one.  Something I will contemplate a bit more later on.  I need to find some peace of mind and start from there.

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