Thursday, September 01, 2011

Progress is slow but it's getting there...

It has been quite the journey, but soon things will be the way I had envisioned....I hope!!! ;)

It all started with the need to remove a portion of the cupboard as my darling daughter, now much taller than I am, was hitting her head on the corner.  I am short enough that it never bothered me, I could easily walk right under it!

Sounded like or seemed like it would be a simple process, ah, but that's not me. Once I got started and realized what a pain it was to move out the lower cabinet and stove I thought I should at least fix the wall behind the stove....and so the ever-evolving renovation began!

This is the space before I was carried away with the possibilites.  Rather a mess, some because of the awkwardness of the space but a lot due to the renovation process already underway.

And of course, once the wall was completely painted decided the old wood trim around the backdoor and back closet had to go!  So...took it all off, repainted the closet trim and voila, white trim to match the door.

...and this is where it sits now.  The walls are painted, the butcherblock countertops on the cabinets flanking the stove are done as well as the island.  I am refinishing the old cupboard doors and will paint them white.  I need new IKEA doors for the cabinets (wrong style) by the stove as well as a new one for the storage side of the island.  I might decide to paint the island a darker brown/gray but I'm leaving that for later.  I will also refinish the laundry room door and trim but for now I want the main part of the kitchen finished!!!  Otherwise I'll keep moving around the room and down the hall and into the office and bathroom...... you get the picture! ;) 

Anika loves to sit at the island and work on her computer or homework, plus moving it from being a 'penninsula' to an island certainly has opened up the space.  We can both work together in the kitchen now, the two of us preparing a meal together has become a common event.  One benefit I hadn't anticipated.  So the saga continues....

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