Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kinda wondering...

I had a solid understanding of the work required before I started but it still amazed me the time it takes to complete one project. I've been working on the cupboard doors. You may question my decision to refinish them as they're old, worn, chipped and stained however at this moment in time I have far more time than money. And I already had the supplies and tools necessary to complete the job.


The pictures above give a fairly good representation of my starting point.  To start the cupboards need sanding, some easier than others as half of them were refinished a number of years ago in an effort to get rid of the horrible, sticky stain the previous owners had applied to all the wood surfaces in the house.  Needless to say that alone takes a number of hours - but as I said I have more time than money, so sanding them down it is.  The holes left from the old door handles and knobs need to be filled with a piece of wood dowel then cut off, sanded, filled with wood filler (if necessary) and finally one final sanding.  They will then be ready for primer and a coat of paint.

I have eight (of nineteen) doors at the 'woodfiller' stage with four more sanded and ready to have the door handle holes filled.  I know, could have used a bit less of the filler now I will have more to sand - this has been a learning process and as the project moves forward I am learning from my mistakes!  I did debate over the placement of new door knobs and decided it would be easier to start from scratch.  I didn't want to be looking at freshly painted doors thinking I 'should have' changed the placement of the knobs!

I have completed all the drawer fronts, I can't wait for the cupboard doors to be finished too!!!!  The chips and bangs in the countertop now stick out like a sore thumb, I didn't notice it until the rest of the kitchen started looking better; that job will have to wait until there's more money than time! :)

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