Sunday, June 20, 2010


(pic from National Geographic Kids)
We might have a bit of a surprise on our hands, actually just seeing the chipmunk was a surprise! Haven't seen one of these little guys in, well.... 35 years I guess. We might have another house guest, not quite as bad as the last one, but these little guys are capable of doing a lot of damage.
I was trying to get some work done when I heard a lot of noise and chirping from somewhere in the backyard. I went to investigate thinking Pery had caught herself another robin. I tried to find the bird behind Pery's step, but for the life of me, couldn't find it. I moved the step away from the wall and out popped our little chipmunk. A number of things finally clicked into place! All of the little 'ticky ticky' noises I've been hearing over the last year or so, Pery's recent food aversion (I put out food in the evening and it's still there in the morning - VERY strange for our little pudge-challenged kitty) I can now relax knowing we have a little friend to thank for all the curious 'goings-on'.
To make a long story short, Pery finally lost out on the chase, quick little guys that they are, and it ran around the side of the house and out of sight....unfortunately....I left the back door open, so now I don't know if it's in the house or it ran away. If I hear frantic noises in the middle of the night, I'll know it ran into the house! Might be an interesting evening..... ;)


Karin said...

One specific thing comes to mind reading this, and that's Chip 'n Dale in Pluto's Christmas Tree.

Erica said...

It does, doesn't it!!! :))) Although it appears I lucked out and the little guy/gal ran away, not into the house. One experience I'm more than happy to live without! ;)

Toril said...

I hope the chipmunk packs its bags and moves across the road to the neighboor before she has babies - then you have trouble in the house!!! I think your cat might be a little too spoilt and lazy to chase this chipmunk, so he may possibly need either some hours in the gym or a few hours with a shrink ;))))

Did you gals ever see the Chip 'n Dale? I certainly did - awesome!!!

Erica said...

I think the chipmunk decided he/she had enough of our house and ran away. Pery did try her best however these guys are pretty smart, he kept running around the 'Mingie mansion' (it's a little house that covers the cat door; helps cut down on the drafts when it's chilly outside). It also didn't help that he can climb walls. To add to her problems, I haven't bothered to get rid of the weeds which are now at least a meter high....after the thesis is handed in tomorrow I can focus on details once again!!!