Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rain has set in

What a wonderfully rainy day! :) It feels like the world can breathe clean, fresh air once again. The trees I've planted are finally showing some life. These two have been struggling through the drought for the last 3 years. The larger one was planted in hopes that it would some day be bushy and large enough to shade the front window, this year it has almost doubled in size thanks to an abundant (relative to the last few years) rainfall! It looks happy now. The poor little shrub beside it is a saskatoon berry bush and obviously it has had its trouble trying to survive as well, but I'm hopeful it will pull through.

I have one shrub left in the backyard, a miniature arctic willow which appears to be very happy this year as it is now over 5 feet tall and 8 feet wide (it's only supposed to get 4 feet high and 4 feet wide). Maybe being the lone sole occupant has its benefits. :) Even the grass is green this year and actually requires cutting at least once a week. Last year I think I cut it once the whole summer! Although that scenario has its benefits too! ;0)
It certainly feels, well, wonderful I suppose, to ponder the rain and foliage. I can relax with a nice cup of coffee (in a nice cool house) and survey a well maintained yard. A lot of things are different this summer..... :)

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