Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pretty much DONE!!!

A few revisions and changes I'd like to make, shouldn't take more than a couple of days....only because I'm picky! ;) I have final approval from the boss, so my defense is tentatively scheduled for July 23rd. Lets hope the people that need to be there are around that day! I'd prefer a morning session, but Frank has meetings so it will be in the afternoon.

Tomorrow and Friday I will spend time at the farm going through the whole thesis making sure everything is in order. I have a number of tables on legal sized paper which need to be 'made' to fit on letter size....don't know how yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with something! It sure feels good to be working on the details and not content!

Officially submit the thing next week and off I go, working on my presentation....almost there, almost there..... :)

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