Friday, May 28, 2010

A functioning mouse!!!! Hurray!!!

I thought I should purchase a new mouse today, I've been having trouble with the old one. I was forced to move the cursor with the mouse but right/left click on the laptop, most annoying! I don't like the pad thing on the laptop, I still find it awkward and time consuming. It's amazing how much inconvenience we're willing to put up with, but if it was my daughter or someone else I probably would have purchased a mouse a couple of months ago!!! I know, one of those life lessons we've discussed....and I still haven't really incorporated the life lesson into my own life! I will learn - I swear!! ;)

Tomorrow night my darling daughter returns. They had an enmass phoning session last night, apparently most kids are having such a good time they either haven't phoned at all or like my daughter, not since they arrived! That's music to my ears! What a relief to find out she's adjusted and enjoying herself. She would love to go back so that will be one of our first trips - of course after Disneyland (YUCK!). But as a dutiful Mom, I will take her to that awful place of commericalism and excess....sucky attitude! ;)

Spent all morning shopping - just for necessities, there isn't anything on the 'want' list right now anyway so I wasn't disappointed that I didn't take time to browse. I'm glad to be home before the Friday busy-ness kicks in. All the little chores are done, the fridge is full, the kitchen is clean, I'm a happy camper!


Karin said...

Sounds like this week has been exactly what the doctor's ordered, and now you're both happy and content. Bundle up in the couch and listen to your daughter's adventures... They come with pictures too, maybe?

Karin said...

And congratulations on a working mouse. Every man and woman should have one. :-)

Erica said...

We were regaled with wonderful Costa Rica stories on the drive from the airport to our house! Most of the initial stories revolved around the number of kids (and times) that threw-up on the plane ride down and while there. Sounds like it was quite the interesing time for the teachers/parents! Glad I didn't go!!!! ;) This group broke the 'throw-up' record, I'm not sure if that's the number of students or total number of times someone got sick. But I'm sure I'll hear more. By the way, my daughter wasn't one of the kids that got sick.

I can't wait to look at the pictures! We have plenty of time today and in the following weeks, to catch up on all the excitement.

I'm finishing off the last load of laundry. I did two loads last night and two more this morning. Nothing like visiting a hot humid country to make your clothes stink!!! Everything smelled damp and musty - YHEW!!! ;)

Now that the house has been cleaned, clothes washed and life in general is back to normal it's time to get back to work...

Karin said...

One thing we should remind ourselves of, is how lucky we are when they do want to share. The times we mums are included. That's not something we can count on, especially not for those delicate teenage years ...