Wednesday, June 09, 2010 more section done?

I have a meeting this afternoon, I've been trying to wrap up my first chapter - it's a doozey! I will be glad to have some feedback on this one since it's so complicated. Sometimes it's hard to figure out if the organization is right. Anyway, the basics are there, so if necessary filling in any missing info won't be too difficult. I want this all wrapped up and out of my hands by the Saturday night! So I don't really care if I get sleep right now.....I'm in desperate need of relief from all this stress!!! The seminar and defense will be a breeze compared to this constant pressure! :)


Karin said...

You're so clever! And you'll be fine - a little exhausted I'm sure, but the reward in finishing the damn thing will revive you in no time. :-)

Erica said...

I don't know about the clever, but I'll take your word for it! You're right on the exhaustion although not feeling it yet!!! I'm rushing to officially submit my thesis by next Thursday - it will be an 'interesting' week! If I can submit it on time, then I will be able to defend my thesis on July 8th or 9th! Otherwise I'll have to postpone it until after the Poultry Science Association conference (July 11-15) which of course I'd rather not do! The sooner this is done - THE BETTER! :)

Karin said...

Nearly there, nearly there... ;)