Monday, May 24, 2010

Toss up

So Anika phoned Saturday night in a bit of a tizzy, homesick (missing/wanting Mom) and exhaustion. I think mostly the latter. However sent me into a tailspin all weekend long. I'm not sure if it was the worry or the after affect of days of planning and worry and organizing and re-organizing....and more worry. Not worried about having her going, but worried I had forgotten something. So I'll say the who would be first to get homesick or missing daughter - sick is a draw.

I think the headache is finally gone, or at the very least I can eat and drink again without spending a couple of hours fighting the nausea. Nothing like the 'after-headache' I get when I'm stressed for too long. Sounds like it was quite the journey to get there, a 6 hour delay in Toronto for some reason and raining like crazy in San Jose, Costa Rica. They're in La Fortuna now and the weather is a bit better, however the volcano erupted recently, so they can't go for their scheduled hike - although they do get to see the lava flows and apparently at night it's quite fantastic. It appears the whole trip is going to be a fly-by-the-seat-of-your pants kind of experience as weather and volcano eruptions are going to change their plans. The recent earthquake already shifted things a little as the road they were expecting to travel on to go river rafting is no longer passable. It's going to be one heck of an experience for them, I hope they can all enjoy it. I just heard this evening that some of the kids had a 24hr bug, but that seems to have passed. They may not be able to go to the hanging bridges tomorrow, but I hope on Wednesday they can still have a chance to go on the sky tram and down the zip lines. It's kind of a toss up, get to see the volcano and lava flows or take a hike....hard to decide. I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures for us to oooh and ahhh over when they get back! And they'll have a wonderful life-long memories! I'm not sure about Paris next year, don't know if I can take another one of these experiences - too damn stressful for me!!!!


Karin said...

So now she's finally on that trip! Good for her, and you. Hopefully there will be enough time to both enjoy on your own, and miss each other. Nothing like having the house for your self, once in a while. I'm sure you'll be ready to send her off again when opportunity knocks.

Erica said...

Yes, plenty of time, a whole 8 days! It's a nice break for me and now that I'm back to normal I can focus on my work.

Still not sure about sending her off again, although it might be good for both of us - much needed independence for her as mommy is always around to pick up the slack if necessary! We'll sit down for a long talk when she gets back, the deposit for the next trip is due June 2nd, and that's not much time to decide.

Back to relaxing.... :)