Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ready for the Thanksgiving Feast

Started off baking a pie, then decided to make Sweet Potato Praline as well. Both look and smell yummy! :) Can't wait until tomorrow!!! I was quite amazed at how little cooking from scratch there seems to be out there. I stopped by Walmart during our Halloween costume hunt this morning, they don't even sell straight pumpkin, all they had was pumpkin pie stuff in a can - which already has spices and sugar added. Might be OK, but I wanted to know what exactly what was going into my baking. Everything is pre-made, pre-packaged, I suppose I'm just old fashioned in this regard. If I'm making something special for someone, I want to do it from start to finish. No wonder people aren't as healthy as they used to be, no one knows how to cook anymore - or maybe they don't have the time.

Also found out we have an uninvited house guest. Pery has been camping out infront of the stove for the last couple of weeks, couldn't figure out why....found out today. Haven't seen the furry little beast, but found a bit of evidence in the cupboard under the sink. Just what I need - more poo to clean up!!! ;0) Been quite the secretive little thing, but I would be too if I had a big carnivore stalking me! I set out 4 mouse traps this evening, hopefully that will be the end to our 'friend'.


Toril said...

The amazing chef is at it again!! How I would have loved to dig my teeth into your delicious food again :) I had forgotten all about the Canadian Thanksgiving... was it last Thursday? I don't know why but I remember the American one (third Thursday in November), but can never remember the Canadian one in October. It may possibly be due to my life with the Americans in the Middle East and in Scotland. Enjoy yourself, Deb - you deserve it!! Also pleased you caught the mouse, I don't think I'll ever tell you how we get rid of them if you worry about it being dead or not.... oops!!

Erica said...

I can never remember when Thanksgiving is here either - I just check the calendar each year! ;) It is actually today, however we decided to have our celebrations yesterday out at my Mom and Dad's. It was great! The food was fabulous and I certainly enjoyed contributing to the meal for a change. :) Anika is really into cooking and baking and was the driving force behind the pie and sweet potatoes.

We caught another mouse last night. I found the spot where they seem to be getting into the crawl space and then it's easy access to the rest of the house. I'll fix the crawl space problem today. Then it will be up to the traps (and Pery) to catch what ever is still here. I found Pery camping out infront of the stove again, so there are probably more little creatures around. Although she saw me drag the mousetrap from behind the stove with the mouse in it. She's a very smart kitty, so is probably looking/hoping for more. She immediately took off with mouse and trap! :) She chews off the tail and a leg and then leaves it. Silly thing! :) No, actually I don't care how they are gotten rid of - either dead or alive, as long as they aren't in my house!!!!