Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Joy

We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas Eve 'day'. :) We spent part of the day outside cleaning off the problem-side of the garage roof and the roof at the back of the house. Sounds like more of a chore than a family event, but the two of us had a great time out there working together. It was a nice day and getting out in the sunshine and fresh air was a lovely change! Plus the peace of mind for me, made the rest of the day so relaxing....what more is there to say! We finally plugged in the Christmas lights on the garage and house; they've been up for a couple of years but I never actually got around to getting them plugged in! It takes awhile to get the extension cords rigged up right, which has been my excuse until now.;) Our house looks so festive this year, it's nice to sit back and enjoy.... :)

Anika tried her hand at shortbread which was delicious. :) We prepared our yearly Christmas Eve supper, a small turkey roast plus all the usual fixings; stuffing, mashed potatoes (the desired form for special occasions here in No. America), gravy and veggies. We even managed to watch a couple of movies. It was the first real day we've had together in a long time! The supper was so delicious we didn't even have room for the pumpkin pie - it's still sitting in the fridge today!!! Just too much food! It's a good thing there's lots of snow to shovel otherwise I think I might just explode! We went outside for awhile after supper, I shovelled what was left of the snow in the backyard and Anika played on the snow mountains; she even got stuck for awhile, I thought I might have to get boots on and drag her out of there! ;) The best Christmas I've had in a very long time! :)

Christmas day at my parents' house was another story altogether. The usual sibling rivalry seems to be rearing it's ugly head once again. Not sure exactly why, maybe things have been revolving around me lately (University and all) and my sister is feeling left out. Not sure, but I will focus on our lovely day and opening presents at home on Christmas morning.

I have the weekend to myself, YES!!! :) Anika is enjoying her Christmas weekend with her Dad and brother, sounds like they're having a blast - more peace of mind for me!! :-)

Merry Christmas everyone! All the best for the New Year and many years to come!!!!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Sounds like exactly what you needed! As you said - working physically like that isn't considered work under such circumstances.

Too bad about your family dinner then, but your sisters feelings are hers, and not your responsibility. You have certainly worked hard enough to deserve some attention.

Merry Christmas! (a little late...)