Sunday, October 04, 2009

I just have to brag!

Maybe not bragging exactly, just VERY happy my daughter is happy!!! :) Life is so much easier when your children aren't having such a tough go of everything! She came home Friday with two math exams, one was a quiz which didn't count for marks and the other did - 100% on both!!! :) She was ecstatic - and so was I! :) Not so much for the mark, but for her sense of accomplishment. What a relief since this is one class i thought she might end up having trouble with, the teacher is rather hard for her to relate to, she's kind of 'wingy'. She does a lot better at coping with 'problem' people than I do.

I was out and about shopping yesterday. Bought myself a wet/dry vacuum for the garage, stocked up on vitamins and antihistamines and a few groceries. I spent some time looking for a case for my new toy, but apparently this model is too new, no one, not even Sony has a case available yet. My quest did take me to a few stores I normally would have passed by - I haven't lost my taste for kitchen stuff. I was absolutely lost in one store, I could have bought out the place; brought back so many memories of shopping for the latest kitchen gadget or was GLORIOUS!!! :) I did however just window-shop. The idea of moving or storing more stuff is not all that appealing, so I'll wait until the time comes when I'm sure I'm staying in one spot! ;)


Karin said...

Those moments are so precious, when you feel that immense pride and joy over your children, knowing they're going to be alright. Realizing evolution is still going on, and that they are so much smarter than we ever were. (Although, we were pretty clever too, right?)

Yesterday we had a little chat, me and my 16-year old. She had just met her cousin, who's now 12, and my daughter got thinking how she had been herself at that age. It was a horrible time; she was all black, from inside to outside, and very distant. Now my daughter gave me a good hug and said: "I'm so sorry. How on earth did you survive that?"

Karin said...

And I'm so with you on that shopping thing, been doing the same myself... Not now, it's not the time, nor the place... but knowing it will be... some day...

Erica said...

Yes, children are wonderful, however they can certainly weigh us down with concern - all we want is for them to be OK, to be happy (most of the time), enjoy life and be successful (whatever that will be for them). Thank you SO much for telling me about your daughter and her '12 year old' stage!!! It has been trying from time to time, you're right, this gloomy-ness just seems to take over! I don't think it's as overwhelming as it was for you and your daughter; I don't deal well with pessimism, so any kind of negativity is a challenge - I will have to try harder to be understanding, listen more and try to 'fix' things less. You must have a wonderful relationship with your daugther! For her to come to you now and talk about it, well, that says it all! :)

It feels like the shopping thing is part way through it's evolution - I'm caught between where I used to be, not really conscious of my purchases (buy anything on a whim) to not buying anything unless it's absolutely needed. I'd like to settle in the middle make worthwhile purchases; not necessarily cheap or expensive, but something I need or makes my home a beautiful, peaceful place that reflects me.

Karin said...

Not to frighten you, but that "stage" got from bad to worse in many ways, and I'm sure I haven't seen everything yet... ;) Having said that, I believe we are over the top, and as you understood - we communicate so much better these days. Much of the success is also due to Anne's own work, as she herself looked for help. She truly is amazing.

From what I can tell, you've got every reason to say that for your daughter as well! :)

Erica said...

Yes, I've been waiting for the 'I hate you' and 'get out of my life' or 'you're ruining my life' moments and I'm sure there will be plenty of these popping up in the future. We're currently dealing with the Halloween costume issue and the over-sexing of girls. She wants one of the sexy, short outfits and I think it's completely inappropriate for a 13 year old to dress like a 20 year old - or to be a sex object....but that's another issue altogether, maybe for another day!

I remember, all too clearly (and some not too clearly) how much trouble I got into behind my parents' backs, or how potentialy dangerous my behaviour was back then. Thank goodness for other friends' parents looking out for us, don't know where I would have ended up! I don't think she'll get into half the mischief that I did, and I'm hoping with a good relationship going in, we can always talk about issues that come up. least I'm hoping anyway! ;) Or like your daughter, will have the common sense to look for help somewhere else if she can't find it at home.