Thursday, October 01, 2009

A New Electronic Toy!!!!!!!!!!

I decided to splurge and buy myself a new MP3 player with video and FM radio. I was looking at an iPod, but I must admit I'm bucking the trend - not wanting to follow everyone else. Plus they're far more expensive than others, I'm not really interested in having the camera capability the new generation has. So I chose a Sony 16GB model, twice the memory and a lot cheaper. I have had my eye on the Creative XFi but the reviews are not all that good, I don't want to have to send it back in a month. Took me awhile to figure out how to load movies, I would get video but no sound....I think I was too tired last night! ;) They have certainly improved their sync programs, loading songs and video was a breeze.

I had originally planned on using my phone for music, but the battery doesn't last long enough. I have been using my computer to listen to music or radio, play a movie but that's not portable so when I'm on the train or bus I have nothing. (Note the trying to justify the purchase line of thinking here ;)

The Christmas wish list is growing leaps and bounds after visiting the electronic store yesterday. There's a laptop, electronic piano with full keyboard..... new generation iPod, in purple, orange, red and green.... Considering she already has an iTouch, Creative Zen VisionW I don't know why the need for the iPod, maybe she's her Mother's daughter and just loves new electronic toys!!!!! :)


Karin said...

You're speaking like a true Gadget Girl, and I share your enthusiasm. Something you probably know already. ;)

Erica said...

Yes, kinda guessed you are a 'kindred spirit' in the electronic toy realm! :)

Toril said...

I simply don't find any joy in gagdet shopping what-so-ever.... Maybe I'm old-fashion?? I love shopping for clothes, jewellery, make-up, stuff for the house, even food, but never gadgets!!! I do have a son who loves gadgets though...

Erica said...

I still like shopping for all those things, although the shine has gone off the clothes shopping since i gained so much weight....but I'm sure that will come back when things are back to normal! :0) There's nothing like the thrill of a new gadget! I just want to jump up and down with joy - most times I'm successful and wait until I'm home, however there have been a few times people have thought 'who is that crazy woman doing a silly dance???!!!' ;) I get chills just thinking about it!!!!! ;)

Erica said...

And No, you're not old fashioned, it's just not 'your thing' that's all. :)