Monday, September 26, 2011


It took four coats of primer and two coats of paint to finally cover the stains, but the doors look great!  Better than I could have hoped for considering their original condition - amazing what some elbow grease, persistence, time and paint can do for a kitchen! :)



I put the doors back on the upper cabinets just for the weekend so the kitchen would look a bit more 'together'.  We had a birthday party sleep over on Saturday, which was also a great success! :)

I kept all the hardware in separate numbered bags to coincide with the numbered doors, made installation of the finished doors A LOT easier!  I can't imagine what a nightmare it would have been had I forgotten this step...  I haven't put the door knobs on, the paint needs to cure a bit before I tackle that job and I also need a laser level to help with the placement.  These doors aren't exactly level after 40 or so years of use so I cannot use the top of the door to determine proper placement.  I don't need them uneven after all this work might as well do it right - or not at all.  I rather like the look of white doors on the bottom and wood on the top but the doors are beyond help therefore the only way to refinish them is to use paint.  Hmmmm, could use a wood colour for the top....  Something to contemplate while I sand and fill the holes and chips in the remaining doors.  Ugh, here we go again!!  ;)   But then again, I've already sanded and painted some of the upper cabinets so I don't think I'll venture down that road.  As I've mentioned previously, I was planning on painting the island a grey/brown and that won't go with the colour of the wood.  Well, that idea can be tossed.  Now you can see why this has taken so long! ;)

Back to work, this lovely blast of summer has given me extra time to complete the chores waiting to be wrapped up before the fall weather sets in.  I am very thankful September has been so cooperative.


Toril said...

Your kitchen looks awesome, Deb!! You are an amazing talent, very impressive :-)

Erica said...

Thank you my friend. Took awhile to find your comment, always something new to learn both in cyber space and in home renovations!