Friday, May 21, 2010

Feeling Ill

I think it would be expected considering all the planning and planning.....and more planning, to face a major let down tomorrow, or later this evening. My darling daughter is hours away from her first major solo journey! Lucky girl!!!! I'm not sure who is more excited about it all! I've spent months trying to 'fanagle' my pitiful income to purchase all the things she needs and I'm happy to report it has all worked out in the end. I don't have anything to buy groceries for the next week, but the important thing is she's looked after. :)

I realized I'm horribly stressed about the whole thing when I caught myself hyperventilating over her misplaced passport. It was in the safety deposit box, just hiding between some papers; major freak-0ut episode, fortunately no one around to see it! ;) I've probably over prepared, but that's just me and over the years I've come to accept it, sometimes as a fault and other times as a blessing. It did come in handy this time around as we (parents) were caught unaware of some changes with Air Canada, they've switched to purchases only with credit cards and to complicate the issue, some of it can only occur online. AND of course the rules change depending on where you're going (which isn't on the web site), another two hours on the phone this morning trying to decipher their crap. All I can say is boycott anything Air Canada if you possibly can!!!!! I can feel another viscous email brewing in the back of my mind... ;)

A whole week by myself, wow, this hasn't happened often in the last 13 years, maybe once or twice. What will I do with myself??? Oh yeah, finish my thesis...SHIT, thought I could relax! ;) Of course I didn't think I had days and days of nothing to do, but I can dream can't I?? It will be interesting to see who it hits first; she gets home-sick or I get daughter gone-sick!

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