Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Music to help on the journey

I wish some of these songs had been around in my past, however I find them very comforting at this stage. Maybe the initial pain and hurt has passed so I can listen without so much emotion? Don't know exactly, but right now I could listen to them over and over and over.....and over again.

Daughtry - No surprise
Daughtry - Over you (love the old pontiac, had one similar when I was young, 1967 pontiac Grand lemans - LOVED that car!!)

and Kelly Clarkson - Already gone This isn't the music video (an abridged version), it's the whole song. I absolutely love her voice in this one, it just makes you want to cry.

Maybe you're already familiar with these, but part of my current favorite playlist. :)


Karin said...
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Karin said...

As if I wasn't crying enough as it was... ;)

Erica said...
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Erica said...

seems I can't put two thoughts together in a coherent manner today! I know the feeling though... usually don't need any extra incentive to burst into tears! ;)