Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just a lot of unexpected FUN!

I certainly had no idea the 2010 Olympics would take over our lives the way it has. I clearly remember the 1988 Olympics in Calgary, they certainly had far less of an impact - even though it was so much closer to home. Too bad everyone can't go home with a gold medal, I felt so bad for some of the competitors, they've all worked so hard and dedicated so much of their lives to their passion. This time around has been tragic in a number of ways, loosing the Georgian competitor before the games began, one of the Canadian figure skater's mom died just before competitions started, life doesn't stop just because the Olympics come calling. And there was the fun, frivolous side of the Norwegian Olympic Curling Team's Pants, the way I think the Olympics were meant to be - bringing together people from everywhere to cheer on the matter where they've from! :)

I hope 2014 will be just as fun and exciting!


Toril said...

Deb, you're right on!! The games have been fantastic, and I haven't been so excited about the Olympic Games since our own in Lillehammer in 1994! You should have been there, and we should have both been in Vancouver and Whistler :) Instead my bottom is seriously sore after 2 weeks on the couch in front of the television!

Congratulations on the Gold medal for the Curling boys - much deserved!! They were simply A LOT better. However, our team had by far the coolest outfit, and they truly deserved the overwhelming attention!! We should be/are happy with the silver medal!!

Wathcing the 50 kilometre cross country skiing now, and hoping for another gold medal naturally :)

Had a fantastic day at Voss skiing today, lots of skiing on fantastic slopes, and amazing sunshine from beginning to end :) My face feels warm, but the fire in front of me may be a natural cause of that, or add to the feeling!

Life is good!

Erica said...

It was a fantastic game, and not just because we won. I hate to admit it, but I much prefer watching the men's curling, some of the shots they make.... WOW, I just can't figure out why the women don't/can't do the same. John Morris was so much fun to watch (and no, not just because he's cute! ;)). The shots he was making - I just kept wondering how the hell they do it! We have the benefit of the Ferby and Martin teams here in Edmonton, so we get to see some really great competition. I was trying to figure out how I could make it to Vancouver for the Olympics, but never really put my whole attention on it - so it just didn't happen. But you're right, we should have been there! I wanted to watch the skiing, but I've moved myself into my bedroom. I'm trying to get some work done today, so in order to help my focus I'm locking myself in a room without a TV!!! The skiing looks like it's going well for the Norwegians and Swedes, still early in the game, but you're competitors are staying close to the front; at least from what I can tell sitting here in my room checking on the web site from time to time.

I'm looking forward to the time I can get back on the slopes! I really miss skiing, I wasn't really all the great at it, but I liked to head down the slopes at my pace and just have a good time. Love to do it again!!! So many things I'd love to do but physically I'm in such bad shape, it hits home once in awhile, can't escape reality forever! Face up to the fact and do something about it I suppose - always seem to find a reason not to though. So much easier to sleep or eat my way through my problems.

Well, I need to focus on a deadline problem - get this section of my thesis out of the way and sent in today!

Karin said...

Well, I'm glad it's all over now! I can't take anymore of this excitement! Now the 50 km is finished, and today I'm feeling a little Norwegian. Petter is absolutely fantastic. Many people can't stand him - he's a bad loser, and sometimes even a worse winner. But I like him, had I been 20 years younger he'd be just the kind I'd fall for. ;-)

Erica said...

Those bad boys get us every time!!! ;) It can be overwhelming watching some of the sports, no matter who's winning!

I'm glad it's over with as well! I even went grocery shopping while the game was on so I wouldn't watch it...didn't do much good though, they had the game over the loudspeaker so all could hear! I turned the game on the TV for the last 2 minutes - saw US tie and send it into over time - UGHHHHHH!!! Nothing like prolonging the agony! Fortunately it all worked out in the end!!!! :) I feel bad for the US goalie though, he must be so disappointed. The reason I never participated in team sports - you can let too many people down!

Hurray for Canada....and all the bad boys!!! ;)

Karin said...

Hurray for the bad boys! I'll drink to that. Why, why, why... It must be something genetic, why we keep falling for them.

And a big congratulation on your hockey GOLD! Well deserved. When it comes to ice hockey I truly feel Swedish, Norwegians just don't have the right feeling for it. ;)

Erica said...

Maybe, but I'm sure you'll catch the 'bug'. We have so many months of the year with 'nothing to do' (and no mountains to play in) that hockey is the one thing that gets us through the winter! ;) I don't know if they showed you the video, but they played various scenes from across Canada of the crowds' reaction when Sidney Crosby scored the winning goal; it was absolutely the best thing to watch...ever! :) A repeated mass of people all jumping up at the same time - hilarious!!! Now we can get back to real life. :)

Erica said...

AS far as the bad boys, haven't quite figured that one out. Do we need a bit of 'edge' in our men? Good guys seem to tame??? Visions of the missionary position for the rest of our lives? YUCK! It's probably the whole person or who we perceive them to be that lies beneath our preference? I must clarify though, there's a big difference between bad and tolerance for mean. Maybe between the two of us we can figure out the why! :)

Toril said...

Girls, I totally agree - I'll fall for a bad boy at any time, too. However, they will make your life unbelievably fun and exciting for short periods of your lives, and very miserable for all the other periods of your lives!! They are useless and miserable partners, husbands, and fathers, but they are wonderful friends!! My advice to you both: stay away from bad boys if you're thinking about a relationship, but embrace them as friends and/or lovers!!

Karin said...

Is that the conclusion, that I'll have to choose whether I want a lover or a relationship? If so it sucks, and I won't. I want both, just to make that clear... :-) And so do you, right? ;-)

Erica said...

Absolutely!!!! No more settling for me! I want it all! Maybe now it will be different, as I'm not looking for a father/husband, instead I want a partner. That might be the least I'm hoping anyway! ;)

Karin said...

Now, here's one the funniest commercials I've seen lately. It's from the "Skyll, brett, stapp"-campaign, (rinse, fold, stuff) for recycling beverage cartons. Just watch it - you get the drift...