Sunday, December 28, 2008

Post-Christmas Lull

The holiday is finished - thank goodness! Bit of a scrooge-y attitude I know, it was a fantastic celebration, but I'm still happy it's over. The stress of finding the right gifts and such - within my budget - always wears me out. Of course I didn't really stick to the budget and bought far too much, it's the same problem each year. It's hard to resist some of the requests from my daughter and at twelve, I like her to have a couple of 'in' trendy clothing items. She was thrilled with my choices, that in itself was a miracle, it was a big relief for me!! :) Anika picked out a gorgeous tree this year, it fits perfectly in our small livingroom! I splurged and spent the $20.00 for a real one this year, last year the fake one didn't quite do it. Not as environmentally friendly having a real one, but then again, how friendly is the fake-tree-making process??? I'll contemplate that another day...

Life moves on, I'm trying to update my brain on all the new technology that has now found it's way into our household. I found a scanner that will copy slides and negatives, since I have years worth of slides from my photography days. I still prefer film to digital, but one day I'll probably shift, once the technology equals film. It was on sale for a ridiculous price on Boxing Day so I couldn't resist. I know I would never buy one otherwise, or at least until I had a decent job, since I had rather high standards for the one I would finally purchase. That's one more thing on my long list of 'eventually will get to it' that I can cross off.

I'm frying up Potato Ball for breakfast/lunch today. Our usual Christmas Day meals include rice pudding, potato ball and potato sausage. We haven't had the sausage in a few years, it's quite the process to make. I've volunteered my services the next time my parents make some, hopefully I will learn how and can then carry on the tradition. This is the last of the left-overs so I can thankfully get back to my regular diet once again!!! All the good stuff is just too hard to resist! ;)
It's time to finally eat my fantastic lunch!!! YEAH!!! And play with the scanner...


Karin said...

Love your Christmas tree! And the smell from a real one truly is something special... that's Christmas to me, and can't be faked. I actually got a tree myself this year; haven't had one the last three years having spent the Holidays at my mom's. But I agree with you too - it's nice when it's all over and everything can get back to normal. Whatever that is...

Erica said...

I agree, it just doesn't seem like Christmas without the smell of a real tree. So you did have the chance to get a tree! Does that mean you've managed to get yourself all settled in the new place??!! I hope so, or at least to the point where you can relax for the rest of the holiday season!

Toril said...

Deb, I truly love your Christmas tree - it looks so perfect and colorful!! Geir brought back a Christmas tree from Godøysund that was so horrible that I refused to put it up... In the end he realized he had brought home a disaster, and bought a new one - thank Goodness!! Emma Louise decorated it on little Christmas Eve, and it looks very nice :)

My Christmas has been very stressful for various reasons, and I'm not looking forward to more stress and deadlines looming around the corner now that the new semester starts next week. I think I need to talk about it, but it's difficult on this platform, and forget the Facebook platform. I don't like to talk on the phone either as I have too much audience around me at all times, but promise to let you in on the details when I get a few hours to myself.

As I'm approaching 50 in a few years I'm starting to get too many eyeopeners - scary!!!!!

By the way, I think I may have forgotten to tell you that my mom was diagnosed with an aggressive lung cancer with spreading to the liver just a few days before Christmas, and started her chemotherapy two days before Christmas. She's only 46 kilos, but feeling better after the first round of poison. She has another 3 rounds to go, and then numerous radiation therapy treatments. Mom's here now, but is going home on Monday, and my sister and I will have to go home on a more regular basis in the near future to help my dad cope as he's very sad!