Friday, November 28, 2008

Numerous Blessings

I never thought my studies would bring me so many blessings, or perhaps, I'm finally at the stage where I see them!

My research course has been difficult, stretching the comfort zone once again. Initially I resist making progress extremely difficult, but once I jump in or take that first big leap, things go smoothly. Fortunately, my resistance phases have been getting shorter and shorter over time. I hope one day the resistance will no longer exist or maybe is just a fleeting thought that blazes across my mind and disappears as quickly as it appeared. This study includes an international survey, so I have the opportunity to contact people I don't know. People have been extremely kind and helpful. I'm keeping a list, not because I have to, but because I want to be sure to remember who they are, just incase I have the pleasure of meeting them in person! I've never wanted to go to any of the Association meetings, but I'm beginning to rethink that idea!

This month was pretty tough financially, however, I chose to think differently. Rather than panic and stress over the shortage, I kept my mind calm and relaxed. As I had suspected, things worked out just fine. :) And I didn't get the stress headache that usually accompanies this kind of difficulty! That in itself was glorious!!!!

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