Saturday, December 29, 2007

Winter Wonderland!

Merry Christmas to all and all the best for the year ahead! It's been a quite and peaceful holiday season here. My darling daughter spent the week with her Dad and his family. I certainly wasn't lonely, with everyone on holiday I had extra chores at the farm. This morning I awoke to the most beautiful scene. A light dusting of snow on everything, and to add to my happiness, it was all still there when I left the barn at 10:30 am!

I've spent the day trying to complete all those unfinished chores - shovelling snow, cleaning carpets (kitty with an upset stomach from all the Christmas treats...YUCK! But happily feeling better now ;)). I met up with a neighbour which was lovely, I don't think we've had a chance to catch up on news for months! Pretty bad since we live directly across the street, but then again, we're both in school. No need for further explanation there ;). Her husband got a handy sweeper for Christmas so they offered to help me with the sidewalk...more Christmas blessings, how lucky can a person get!

All the chores are now done, the house is tidy, presents wrapped and under the tree waiting to be opened. Tomorrow will be the Christmas celebration for my side of the family. If it wasn't for all the extra physical work I've been doing I would be seriously concerned with weight gain this season! :) Time to read and relax until my daughter arrives home :).

1 comment:

Karin said...

A Happy New Year to you, Deb! And thank you for sharing these lovely winter pictures. No snow here in Bergen so far...