Sunday, March 07, 2010

More cleaning

Like you Karin, I've been rearranging my house. Unlike you though, it's been the hidden areas that are getting the make-over. Threw out another bag of 'stuff' from the bathroom! How in the world did I manage to squeeze all that stuff in there I'll never quite figure out, but I managed!!! Threw out make-up I've had for at least 25 years, and I obviously don't use.... Anika now has a shelf for all her make-up, since she has more than I do!! ;) The break-in is the impetus for my latest round of cleaning. I still can't quite figure out what I had in my closets - so I have no idea if anything is actually gone or not. Made me realize if I haven't used or looked at the things in there for the last 2 years (at least) then maybe it shouldn't be here anymore. After going through it all, I think it will stay, photographs, scrapbooking stuff.....memories. However, lots everywhere else that is getting pitched! I'd love to get at the garage again, but the thesis must come first - I keep using all the things I want to do as incentive to keep working on it, and finish it as soon as possible. Back at it I suppose....


Karin said...

Tidying up and decluttering are truly some of the most rewarding activities one can do... And as you've probably experienced before - it's beneficial for you're writing as well.

Erica said...

Certainly does help! A 'clean' mind or should I say relaxed mind tends to allow the thoughts to flow freely! :) My darling daughter is at band camp for 3 days which also helps, only one person to clean up after makes a BIG difference. :)

Toril said...

Hallelujah girls!! Spent a large part of last week cleaning parts of the attic, and then my desk as I had absolutely no space left to work on, or get near the computer for that matter... Like you, I just can't figure out why I've kept it so long, and why I haven't put my mind to it sooner. However, deep in my heart and soul I understand why the attic has been neglected - too many fond memories from the past when my babies were young and happy without the deep scares of a nasty divorce and the painful life after the initial shock and heartache.... Even today I have a HUGE problem coping with it, and realize there are many issues I've put on hold and never dealt with!! I still can't, too much pain!!! As for my desk, boring to archive and sort out nonsense!

Life sure is a huge challenge!!

Karin said...

You know Toril, that pain will only grow larger by time, and I do hope you'll find the courage to let it out someday. My advice though is that you shouldn't do it all by your self, on your own. And although friends might be helpful in many ways, it's hard (or even impossible) for them (including myself) to be "neutral" enough. But I'll be there for you in any way you need, you know that.

Erica said...

Ditto Karin! I'm here, as always. :)