Sunday, August 30, 2009

Memories found

I couldn't even tell you how old I was! I suppose, judging by the background around 7-ish or so. Hard to believe there wasn't anything out there, I barely remember - or needed the picture to jog my memory. This was my first pony - Tico, she was pregnant when we bought her, I believe she foaled around this time. Miserable little pony she was!! She used to dump me when she got tired of the riding thing. She would take off at a dead gallop and make an abrupt stop sending me flying over her head - cheeky little bugger!!! ;) It must have been spring time, maybe Easter since my hair is curled. That process only happened for 'fancy' occasions since my hair took days to dry with curlers in it! All I can remember about that was YUCK!

The trees in the background in this picture are the same skinny things in the background of the other one, amazing how much they'll grow over 40 years or so! ;) Not much there to begin with, my folks planted most of the trees that are on the property.

I'm beginning to see how all this 'saving' of details has been weighing me down, so much negative energy! I can understand why I kept some of it - covering my ass kind of thing - but there comes a time when it's OK and healthy to purge! Should have been done years ago for some of it!!! I also found a box full of course materials, considering it was for my undergrad degree....and I haven't had any use for it in the last 3 or 4 years, it's time to go. It's amazing what I've been able to find during this latest round of sorting and cleaning! I even found a letter from the federal government congratulating me on my High School graduation, and that was how many years ago???? ;) Think I'll keep that one though.... :0)


Toril said...

Deb, that's soooo cute - it must feel like a previous life :) I know it does for me when I look at pictures from my childhood.... brings back lots of good memories, but it really feels like a previous life.....

Your pony was gorgeous, never mind her beeing moody - she was probably tired of bossy little girls ;)

Be careful when you throw away hidden treasures, you may regret it one day! However, I know how it is - too much of everything everywhere, and there seems to be no end to it. Kristina is moving in with Timm this weekend, and she has now moved 4 times in a year... She says she is getting rid of a large part of her extensive wardrobe, and I'm all smiles :o) not that I need it or have room for any more clothes, but still....

Kristina and I get along famously, and are as much best friends as mother and daughter most of the time. She likes to hang out with her mamma, don't ask me why! I actually think she likes to be told what to do and what not to do, does that sound strange?

Erica said...

Yes, I'm sure she grew tired of me, although if I recall correctly her willingness to cooperate lasted about 1/2 hour at the most - just cheeky, the way a lot of ponies are! ;) It certainly does seem like a different life, I'm enjoying the pictures and the memories. :)

I haven't thrown out much in the way of 'treasures'. Most of the stuff heading out the door has just been....stuff. Books I once read, that I have no interest in ever reading again - different stages of life, things I once found interesting, just odds and ends, no sentimental attachments to any of it. I must admit though, I did have an attachment to some of the stuff, but once I realized it was time to go I couldn't quite remember exactly WHY I felt attached to it. It feels SOOOO good to have my life less clutered! :) I'm still making trips out to the garage just to be sure the bare shelves are still there! ;)

Kristina has made her choice on a partner? Good to hear, I hope she will be very happy - she's put up with enough that didn't work out - for whatever reason! How does she handle all the moving!!!??? Just the thought of it makes me ill! It's nice the two of you can share clothes, and lives! I'm finding it a very strange concept. Anika said the same thing - I don't tell her what to do often enough. I did everything I could to fight what my parents told me, a habit I'm still trying to break! Not that I'll listen or do it, but I'm trying to curb the need to switch into fight mode all the time. Well, you've been an understanding and compassionate mom, so there's no reason for her run from you. And if you do push or tell her what to do she knows it's out of love and concern and wanting what's best for her. Not the 'you have to live life my way' mentality. It goes a lot better when you don't force them to be someone they aren't! :)

Toril said...

Thanks for kind words, Deb - you are one of a kind!! Kristina and I spent the afternoon moving from her room at her girl-friend's flat to her new dwelling in the city with her boyfriend Timm. We also went to IKEA to buy some racks and have dinner... I had some salmon, and Krsitna had raspeball :) She truly is my treasure!!

Danny came along for a short time to help us carry some of the heavy suitcases/bags. It was very kind of him as Kristina and I had to carry all the stuff down 3 floors at one place, and up 4 floors at the next - simply exhausting! Timm was absent all the time, which I found very strange, but I'm only the mother.... I think he's afraid of me :) and to his defense I have to say that he can't carry anything heavy due to arthritis and a lot of pain!

Danny is staying at a hotel in town to go to the opening of the nightclub I used to hang out in in my divorced and wild days... Eric is staying there as well, and going with Danny and his friend to Banco Rotto. It's very strange, Eric has no friends anymore, and likes hanging out with Danny and his friends. The HotPot is working on the Isle of Man.

Strange world, isn't it? How you have a life, family and friends one day, and none the next. I guess that's what you get when you treat friends (and family) like shit, and talk only about yourself and your success!!!

Erica said...

All moved, sounds like it was pretty intense! No elevators I take it - we don't have them in most 3 or 4 storey buildings either. I suppose she's already settled and is well on the way to having things set up the way she wants! That's the fun part of moving!!! :) It's good the hear Danny was around - and willing - to help out.

I was just at IKEA yesterday, didn't stop for a meal though, just wanted to pick up a metal garbage can for my nice clean garage! I picked an old style one
( which I think suits the location.

I wonder how long Danny or his friends will put up with Eric. I suppose as long as he's paying the bill they might not mind too much - but at some point that's probably going to get very 'old'. Maybe he's not quite as obnoxious with them. The hotpot isn't at the hotel by your cabin? Has she been around this summer? I hope she's been keeping herself occupied elsewhere! If she's around Eric doesn't have the freedom to 'play' - well, then again he's enough of a jerk he wouldn't care if she was around and knew about it.... I'm sure glad you're out of that one!!!! :)

It is amazing how life changes and evolves, I never imagined either one of us would be where we are today....been quite the journey, but it was worth every step! :)