Friday, May 15, 2009

Such a Lovely Day!

Life sure can be grand if you just look at the positive side of things. I'm working harder at trying to keep a positive spin on things - especially after realizing how much I've been holding on to 'stuff' over the years and my difficult spell yesterday! It was a wonderful morning, thank you Toril for the fantastic chat, I sure do miss having you around! Conversations have such an easy natural flow when you automatically understand each other - you just 'know' where they're coming from! It's easier now, with all the technological advances that allow us to communicate so easily - in one form or another. I could probably talk to you for hours each day just to catch up.... :) It's a good thing long distance rates have improved over the last 30 years!!!! ;) I certainly would have enjoyed a few drinks somewhere, raise a little hell for a change, the two of us together again - YIKES (would you like to join us Karin? They'd have to lock down the City)! Tequila is looking VERY tempting right now! I think I'll splurge on a bottle, a margarita or two would be wonderful on a warm spring day, tomorrow is looking promising!

My meeting went well, I'm horribly confused right now, but I'll work through the stats this weekend and hopefully be able to make some sense of it all. It was a very good meeting.

My parents dropped by to help out, they mowed my lawn for me. It's nice they're willing to help out so much. I'm trying to take the gift with grace - still feel like a shmuck, inadequate, etc., I'm working on shifting my thought process on this one! :)


Toril said...

It truly was wonderful talking to you as well my precious friend :) You are special, one of a kind, nobody can compare to my friend DEB!!!! I just don't know why you and I live on different continents, but there must be a logical reason somewhere... Either I'm supposed to venture over to your part of the world, or you'll end up at my part of the world. And come to think of it, we may meet half way, or on that island in Greece to fulfill some of our dreams!!

I'm really pleased about your meeting, you do need positive feedbacks at this stage of your master thesis. Nothing worse than some human wretch telling you that you should have done this, or why did you do that!!

You're parents are beeing good to you, true, but that's what parents are for :) You and I would do exactly the same thing for our kids :)

In the meantime, study hard, but rememember to take a walk and a break between the writing turmoil!

Karin said...

If people didn't know us better, they'd probably reckon we're three middle aged, disillusioned and neurotic alcoholics... as I'm halfway through a cheap Italian myself right now... but what the h#¤*l, they can think whatever they want! And that Greek retreat sounds ever so tempting now...

Erica said...

Nothing wrong with disillusioned and neurotic! Right now I'll take it. :) I was out shopping for more clothes I will need at the conferences I'm going to; ended up with a headache and all stressed again. Anyway the point was I didn't stop at the liquor store, which I will do immediately after finishing this comment! :)

Yes, I'm looking forward to a long vacation somewhere...soon!

Erica said...

I suppose we should consider the angels, fate or whatever has intervened on our behalf by keeping us apart physically. ;) The possibility of self distructive behaviour.... Who knows, but like you, I believe we will end up together somewhere.

I was going to have my margarita, but it seems I have an empty ice cube tray in my freezer. I don't think I've ever put water in it! How silly is that! Good thing I also bought a bottle of wine! ;)

Karin said...

Margarita, now there's an idea... wonderful drink, but somehow I don't do them at home. Maybe I should? Which kind do you indulge in? And do you mix them from scratch?

Erica said...

Normally I mix them from scratch, but this time I thought a small premixed bottle would be 'safer'! ;) I found one, Jose Cuervo with Grand Marnier. I normally use Triple Sec but this is really good too. I like lime margaritas, the bitter and sweet combination is just right for me! Last night it was fabulous straight out of the freezer.... :) And no, I did't plunk myself down infront of the fridge and start swigging from the bottle - it did cross my mind though!!! ;) I think I will take this little bottle of happiness on my trip to Saskatoon next weekend! A little relaxer after a day of travel and 'conferencing'!

Karin said...

That was an image worth treasuring... you see, I almost did (or didn't do) something similar last night: I was drinking some wine, but instead of running up and down the stairs for refilling, I brought the whole bottle with me, and put it on the desk beside the computer, where I was writing. But there was also something half worth watching on TV, so I kept going back and forth, taking the glass with me. One trip I forgot the glass though, and it was only seconds before I'd started to drink straight out of the bottle!

Erica said...

Facing adversity we can be very creative in finding a suitable solution - I think you found a very sensible one!! :) A woman's got to do what a woman's got to do!

And about that little bottle of happiness...somehow, I don't think it's going to last through the week. Better pick up another one in the next couple of ....wait a minute, I'd better leave that chore for Saturday - the next bottle probably wouldn't last either!!! ;)

Toril said...

My God girls, the conversations we indulge in!!! The HotPot would have had a field day if she could take part in it!!!! I don't know if you agree or not, but I have seen the return of my imagination, creativity and silliness to involve myself in our important and sexy ridicule now that she is gone!!!!!!! I understand now that I've been gagged for years, and I just realized my joy of writing has been non-existing, and the luxury of simply being silly and happy have been completely and utterly undernourished. Alhamdulillah, I love you both!!!!!!!!!!!! And cheers to margeritas, gin and tonics, whiskey and wine ;)

Erica said...

I agree completely!! I've been contemplating my 'shift' in....not sure what I would call it (a little hung over this morning) not really personality because this is who I am. Like you Toril, I've felt the need to hide it away. I've been feeling so much JOY lately. This shift has even carried over into my Committee meetings - all a rather silly good-hearted bunch. It's so wonderful to just be yourself!!!!!

Oh, Toril, I've decided on one birthday present for myself - not anything you can get me; I decided to have my tattoo redone. Symbolize letting go of the past and all those men I've been dragging along with me! Time to release the past and move forward with a clean slate!!!! :) That didn't come out quite right, 'all those' implies a great number, I'll leave that conversation for another day! ;)

I'm looking forward to hearing from the silly and happy Toril! She's been hiding away for far too long!!!! :)

Karin said...

It's amazing how the smallest thing may change the outlook so completely. A word from someone unexpected. A song on the radio you haven't heard for ages. Or the absence of someone/something that's been there for so long you grew accustomed to it.

But I guess it's the tiniest things that can affect us the most. Thinking about what you said Deb, about shift; I believe a shift is far better than changing. (If I understood you right, Deb) It's about becoming clearer, more visible. More you.

Erica said...

EXACTLY! You just have a way with words!!! :)

Erica said...

....and the gift of understanding the meanings hiding between the words and sentences!

Karin said...

See it my old crystal ball, you know... ha, ha!

Jokes aside - thank you!